« moro@neocities

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."

  1. A calm mind can be achieved through meditation and contemplation:
  2. Living in the present: not having stress about the future or the past. Focusing on today:
  3. Feeling the Living Force flowing around you. Being spiritually aware of the Force:
  4. Using and trusting your feelings and intuition:
  5. Being mindful of your thoughts. Keeping your thoughts positive:
  6. Living the Jedi virtues: peace, patience, compassion, justice, and honor:
    "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So you might say, that we are encouraged to love."
  7. Protecting others if possible:
  8. Jedi are aware of, and avoid the 4 vices that lead to the dark side; Fear, Anger, Aggression, and Hate:
  9. Jedi stay physically fit in order to accomplish their mission in life:
  10. Trusting in the will of the Force and accepting the fact that nothing happens by accident.
    The Force has a plan for every soul in the Universe and its called ‘Destiny’; this plan is in the soul's best interest:
  11. Jedi work on 'letting go' of attachments and train themselves on this.
  12. Jedi believe that the soul survives death, and Jedi do not mourn those who pass: